We actually encourage it. The more back data we can put in the better!
We actually encourage it. The more back data we can put in the better!
You don't have to! While we have our ideas on which questions and analyses are best, and would be love to tell more about those - we happily work with any research agency or any analysis philosophy
Not at all, we take what you do and make our platform work with it. We are flexible to meet your needs, rather than expecting you to fit ours
A typical project would involve us doing an audit of what you have done in the past, seeing what consistency can be applied to a data warehouse and making recommendations about how to better build a database that works for you. Every case is different but it always starts with getting in contact
Paul Epplett and Tash von Pein are our two main contacts – click here to see a profile.
You certainly can. Our software will let you analyse any data in a .xlsx or .sav format